December 2018
Final podium parking
(5th level) in progress.

Ground breaking Ceremony.

Piling Completed Site Photos.

Raft completed and podium construction in progress.

Final podium parking
(5th level) in progress.

Bridge access from Buthgamuwa Road complete. All parking levels complete. Residential floors commenced.

Project on schedule.
9th and 10th floors finished.
Show apartment ready.

11th Floor slab work in progress.

11th floor slab completed.
12th floor slab completed.

16th Floor slab work completed.
17th floor slab work in progress.

19th Lvl. Floor slab In Progress
7th & 8th Floor Plastering Work Is In Process

20th Floor Slab Work Completed.
21th Floor Slab Work In Progress.
Plastering Work In Progress Up to 9th Floor. Block Works In Progress Up to 15th Floor.

22nd Floor Slab Work Completed
16th Floor Block Work Completed
12th Floor Plastering Work Completed

26th Level Floor Slab Completed
27th Level Floor Slab In Progress

23rd Level Floor Slab completed
24th Level Floor Slab Completed.
25th Marketing Level Floor Slab Completed.
26th Marketing Level Floor Slab Completed.
27th Level Floor Slab In Progress.

Floor Slabs Details
28th Level The Floor Slab Is In Progress.
Masonry Work
22nd Level Block Works/Walling In Progress.
15 & 16th Level Wall Plastering In Progress

28th Level Floor Slab is Completed.
29th Level Floor slab is Completed.
30th Level Floor Slab Is In Progress.
Masonry Work:
22nd & 23rd Level Block Works/Walling In Progress.
15 & 16th level Wall Plastering In Progress
Miscellaneous Works: Waterproofing, Tiling, Painting, Plumbing In Progress.

30th Level Floor Slab Is Completed.
31st Level Floor Slab Is Completed.
32nd Level Floor Slab Is In Progress
Masonry Work:
23rd & 24th Level Block
17,18, 19 & 20th Level Wall Plastering In Progress Works/Walling In Progress
Miscellaneous Works: Waterproofing, Tiling, Painting, Plumbing In Progress.

32nd Level Floor Slab is Completed.
33rd Level Floor Slab is Completed.
34th Level Floor Slab is in Progress.
Masonry Work:
26th & 27th level Block Works/Walling, Plastering etc is in Progress.
Miscellaneous Works: Transformer area, STP, New club Building, Waterproofing, Tiling, Painting, Plumbing etc.too, in progress.

34th Terrace Level. Floor Slab Completed
35th Level Floor Slab is in Progress

34th Terrace Level Floor Slab Completed.
35th Level Floor Slab is in progress.
Miscellaneous works i.e. Block works, Plastering, Painting, Tiling &
MEP works.

35th Level Floor( OHT & LMR Lvl) slab partly completed.
New club Building: Squash Level Slab Completed and Terrace level Slab
is in progress.

35th Level Floor slab completed.
New club Building: Squash Level Slab Completed and Terrace Level Slab
are in progress.

35th Level Floor Slab Completed.
New Club Building, Squash Level Slab
Completed, and Terrace level Slab are in Progress.

30th construction level floor walls & slab work completed.
New Club Building: Squash level slab completed and Terrace level slab
is in progress.
Transformer room: Ground-level slab work is in progress.
32nd & 33rd level is in progress.
29th & 30th Marketing level is in progress.

36th level floor walls & walls & observatory area bottom slab completed.
New club building: Squash level slab completed and Terrace level slab
is in progress.
Transformer room: Ground-level slab work is in progress.
32nd & 33rd level is in progress.
30th & 31th Marketing level is in progress.

36th Level ( OHT & LMR Level) walls & observatory area
bottom slab completed.
New club Building: Squash Level slab completed and Terrace level slab
is in progress.
Transformer room: Ground Level slab work is in progress.
Block works at 33rd, 34th & 35th level is in progress.
Plastering works at 32nd & 33rd level is in progress.

OHT & LMR Level walls & observatory area bottom slab completed.
New Club Building: Squash Level slab completed and Terrace level slab is in progress.
Transformer room: Work is in progress.

OHT & LMR Level walls & observatory area bottom slab completed, top curved slab is in progress.
Squash Level slab completed, Terrace level slab is in progress.
Transformer room: Work is in progress.
Block works at apartments/ units of the main building have almost completed except modified units.
The terrace level is also 90 % completed.Plastering works at apartments/ units of the main building have almost completed except for modified units

30th construction Lvl.( 36th Marketing Lvl) floor top curved slab completed.
New club Bldg: Squash Lvl slab completed and Terrace lvl slab is in progress.Transformer room: work is in progress. Block works at apartments/ units of main bldg have almost completed except modified & Hold units. Terrace lvl i.e. 28th & 29th lvl ( 34th & 35th Marketing lvl) is also 90 % completed. Plastering works .. apartments/ units of main bldg have almost completed except modified & Hold units. Progres of Tiling, Mep work, Elevator, Kit/Pantry unit installations, Doors & windows fixing, etc.. are in progress.

New club Bldg: Terrace level slab is in progress.
Transformer room: 1st floor level slab work is in progress.
Block works at apartments/ units of main bldg have almost completed except modified & Hold units. Terrace level is also 95 % completed.
Plastering works - apartments/ units of main bldg have almost completed except modified & Hold units.
Miscellaneous work: Tiling, Mep work, Elevator installation, Doors & windows fixing, false ceiling, painting work etc. are in progress.

New club building: Terrace level slab is in progress
Transformer room: 2nd floor level slab work (roof) is in progress.
Finishes: Block works at apartments/ units of the main building have almost been completed.
Plastering works - apartments/ units of main building have almost been completed.
Miscellaneous work: Mep work, kit/pantry unit installations, doors & windows fixing, false ceiling, painting work (external & internal) are happening rapidly.

New club building: Terrace level slab is in progress. 2nd floor level slab work (roof) is completed. Block works at apartments/ units of the main building have almost been completed. Except modified and hold units. Terrace levels are also 95% completed.
Plastering works - units of main building have almost been completed. Except modified and hold units.
Miscellaneous work: Tiling, Mep work, elevator installation, kit/pantry unit installations, false ceiling, painting work are happening at a fast pace.

New club building: Terrace level slab has been completed.
Transformer room: Structural work has been completed.
Finishes: Block works at apartments/ units of the main building have almost been completed. Terrace level, i.e. 28th, 29th & 30th floors, and 34th, 35th & 36th Marketing floor's have been completed.
Miscellaneous work: Tiling, MEP work, Lifts/Elevator installation, Kit/Pantry unit installations, doors & windows fixing, false ceiling, painting work (external & internal) are in progress in full swing.

New club Bldg: connecting bridge is in progress.
Podium Slab: Hoist & tower crane area at 2nd floor is in progress.
Finishes: Block works at apartments/ units of the main building have completed and progress at 2nd floor New clubs building. Plastering works of apartments have almost completed except modified/ Hold units and progress at 1st floor new club building & External of podiums.
Miscellaneous work: Progres of Tiling, Mep works, false ceiling, painting work and external scaffolding removal etc. are in progress in full swing.

New Club Building: 95% complete structurally, Podium Floors: 3 podium floors have been completed, post hoist & crane removal, Building Entrances: Preparation works are ongoing at the Buthgamuwa Entrance, Compound Walls: 90% of the internal & external compound walls of the building have been completed
Finishes: With over 80% of the apartment finishes completed, finishing works are underway on the Terrace gardens & Common amenities areas. A more detailed summary of the finishing works is mentioned below;
Description Complete : Completion%
Block work & Plaster : 100%
Internal Painting : 58%
Tiling : 85%
Door Installation : 80%
Building External Finishes : 87%
Miscellaneous work:
Mep works such as Elevator installation, pump installation, telecom services, fire systems & gas systems are nearing completion while external scaffolding removal is final stage of completion

Structural: New club Building: connecting bridge completed.
Podium Slab: Hoist & tower crane area at 5th podium floor level is in progress. Security Cabin: At Kamathawatta entry foundation is completed. Superstructure is in progress. Finishes: Block works at apartments/units of the main building have completed and progress at 3rd floor New clubs building. Plastering works at apartments/units of main building have almost completed except modified/Hold units and progress at 1st floor new club building & Gr floor level.
Miscellaneous work: Progress of Tiling, Mep works, Lifts/Elevators installation, Kit/Pantry unit installations, Doors & windows fixing, false ceiling, painting work( external & internal) and external scaffolding removal etc.. are in progress in full swing.
Please feel free to reach out to me at for any further queries.

Iconic Galaxy recently completed its luxury apartment project in October 2022 and handed over 50+ apartments to satisfied customers. JLL, Sri Lanka's premier property management company, has also inaugurated its office in the building. The successful completion and handover of these luxury apartments are a testament to Iconic Galaxy's commitment to excellence in real estate development and its dedication to delivering high-quality, luxurious living spaces to its customers.
July 2020
28th Level Floor Slab is Completed.
29th Level Floor slab is Completed.
30th Level Floor Slab Is In Progress.
Masonry Work:
22nd & 23rd Level Block Works/Walling In Progress.
15 & 16th level Wall Plastering In Progress
Miscellaneous Works: Waterproofing, Tiling, Painting, Plumbing In Progress.
September 2020
32nd Level Floor Slab is Completed.
33rd Level Floor Slab is Completed.
34nd Lvl. Floor Slab is in Progress.
Masonry work:
26th & 27th level Block Works/Walling, Plastering etc is in Progress.
Miscellaneous works:
Transformer area, STP, New club Building, Waterproofing, Tiling, Painting, Plumbing etc..too, in progress.
April 21
36th level floor walls & walls & observatory area bottom slab completed.
New club building: Squash level slab completed and Terrace level slab is in progress.
Transformer room: Ground-level slab work is in progress.
32nd & 33rd level is in progress.
30th & 31th Marketing level is in progress.
May 21
36th Level ( OHT & LMR Level) walls & observatory area bottom slab completed.
New club Building: Squash Level slab completed
and Terrace level slab is in progress.
Transformer room: Ground Level slab work is in progress.
Block works at 33rd, 34th & 35th level is in progress.
Plastering works at 32nd & 33rd level is in progress.
July 21
OHT & LMR Level walls & observatory area bottom slab completed and top curved slab is in progress.
New Club Building: Squash Level slab completed and Terrace level slab is in progress.
Transformer room: Work is in progress.
Block works at apartments/ units of the main building have almost completed except modified units. The terrace level is also 90 % completed.
Plastering works at apartments/ units of the main building have almost completed except for modified units
August 21
30th construction Lvl.( 36th Marketing Lvl) floor top curved slab completed.
New club Bldg: Squash Lvl slab completed and Terrace lvl slab is in progress.Transformer room: work is in progress. Block works at apartments/ units of main bldg have almost completed except modified & Hold units. Terrace lvl i.e. 28th & 29th lvl ( 34th & 35th Marketing lvl) is also 90 % completed. Plastering works .. apartments/ units of main bldg have almost completed except modified & Hold units. Progres of Tiling, Mep work, Elevator, Kit/Pantry unit installations, Doors & windows fixing, etc.. are in progress.
October 2021
New club Bldg: Terrace level slab is in progress.
Transformer room: 1st floor level slab work is in progress.
Block works at apartments/ units of main bldg have almost completed except modified & Hold units. Terrace level is also 95 % completed.
Plastering works – apartments/ units of main bldg have almost completed except modified & Hold units.
Miscellaneous work: Tiling, Mep work, Elevator installation, Doors & windows fixing, false ceiling, painting work etc. are in progress.
November 2021
New club building: Terrace level slab is in progress
Transformer room: 2nd-floor level slab work (roof) is in progress.
Finishes: Block works at apartments/ units of the main building have almost been completed.
Plastering works – apartments/ units of the main building have almost been completed.
Miscellaneous work: Mep work, kit/pantry unit installations, doors & windows fixing, false ceiling, painting work (external & internal) are happening rapidly.
December 2021
New club building: Terrace level slab is in progress. 2nd floor level slab work (roof) is completed. Block works at apartments/ units of the main building have almost been completed. Except modified and hold units. Terrace levels are also 95% completed.
Plastering works – units of main building have almost been completed. Except modified and hold units.
Miscellaneous work: Tiling, Mep work, elevator installation, kit/pantry unit installations, false ceiling, painting work are happening at a fast pace.
January 2022
New club building: Terrace level slab is in progress.
Transformer room: Structural work completed.
Finishes: Block works at units of the main building have almost been completed, except for modified and hold units. Plastering works at units of the main building have almost been completed except modified and hold units and terrace levels.
Miscellaneous work: Progress of Tiling, MEP work, Lifts/Elevator installation, false ceiling, painting work (external & internal) are in progress in full swing.
February 2022
New club building: Terrace level slab has been completed.
Transformer room: Structural work has been completed.
Finishes: Block works at apartments/ units of the main building have almost been completed. Terrace level, i.e. 28th, 29th & 30th floors, and 34th, 35th & 36th Marketing floor’s have been completed.
Miscellaneous work: Tiling, MEP work, Lifts/Elevator installation, Kit/Pantry unit installations, doors & windows fixing, false ceiling, painting work (external & internal) are in progress in full swing.
March 2022
New club Bldg: connecting bridge is in progress.
Podium Slab: Hoist & tower crane area at 2nd floor is in progress.
Finishes: Block works at apartments/ units of the main building have completed and progress at 2nd floor New clubs building. Plastering works of apartments have almost completed except modified/ Hold units and progress at 1st floor new club building & External of podiums.
Miscellaneous work: Progres of Tiling, Mep works, false ceiling, painting work and external scaffolding removal etc. are in progress in full swing.
October 2022
Iconic Galaxy recently completed its luxury apartment project in October 2022 and handed over 50+ apartments to satisfied customers. JLL, Sri Lanka’s premier property management company, has also inaugurated its office in the building. The successful completion and handover of these luxury apartments are a testament to Iconic Galaxy’s commitment to excellence in real estate development and its dedication to delivering high-quality, luxurious living spaces to its customers.